
It was a great learning experience and tremendously enjoyed the time we spent with Rogue Jet. Touring your factory and learning what was involved in the manufacturing process was very enlightening. Your expertise combined with the implemented quality controls, attention to detail and highly knowledgeable staff really reinforced the fact that we made an excellent decision in choosing to go with your product for our project.
A big mahalo (thank you) for taking us on the river. It was definitely one of the most exciting things I have ever experienced thus far and can’t wait for an opportunity to do it again. That experience also demonstrated the performance capabilities and durability of your boats. If I am ever tasked at recommending a vendor for purchasing a boat you can rest assured that your company will the one that I would be recommending. I will send you whatever article’s come out that involves the boat and also some great pictures once we put it in the water. In speaking with some of our staff they too are excited in anticipation of the boat’s arrival.

Thanks Again – Take Care